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What is Coasters And Where to Buy in Canada

Do you know about coasters, if not then we will give complete information about it in this post.

You all must have seen the small piece of plastic or wood lying on the table on which we keep our glass or cup of tea.

We call that piece a coaster.

It acts as a barrier between the cup and the table. Due to this table does not get scratches and tea stains.

Our table stays brand new and shiny.

Where to buy coasters in Canada

These are some places where you can buy Coasters online in Canada.

  • Amazon.ca
  • Canadacoaster.com
  • etsy.com
  • kitchenboutique.ca
  • crazycanadianleather.ca
  • canadianhandcrafted.ca

Different Types of Coasters

Well, if seen, there are many varieties and coasters of different shapes, sizes, and materials available in the market. From vintage to modern, there is a coaster to suit every style and preference. Some common types include:


  • Ceramic Coasters: These are made from fired clay and are known for their durability. They also absorb moisture quickly, making them ideal for cold drinks.
  • Cork Coasters: These are made from the bark of cork trees and are environmentally friendly. They have a natural non-slip surface and are great for hot beverages.
  • Paper Coasters: These are disposable coasters that can come in various designs, making them perfect for parties or events.
  • Stone Coasters: These have a rustic look and feel, and are known for their ability to absorb condensation effectively.
  • Wooden Coasters: These can be made from a variety of woods, such as bamboo or oak, and offer a natural and elegant touch to any space.

Materials Commonly Used in Coasters

As we mentioned, casters can be made from a variety of materials.

Each material has its own unique benefits, as given below:

  • Ceramic: These are durable and can withstand high temperatures. They also provide a smooth surface for your drink to rest on.
  • Cork: As mentioned earlier, cork coasters are environmentally friendly, non-slip, and great for hot drinks.
  • Paper: These are inexpensive and disposable, making them an ideal option for events or parties.
  • Stone: Stone coasters have a natural ability to absorb moisture, making them great for cold drinks.
  • Wood: Wooden coasters offer a natural and elegant touch to any space. They are also durable and can withstand high temperatures.

Design Ideas for Customizing Your Coaster

Coasters can be a very special addition to your home, office or cafe. They not only protect your table but also play an important role in decoration. As mentioned below:

  • Personalized Coasters: You can have coasters made with your initials, name, or even a special quote that holds significance to you.
  • Photo Coasters: These are a great way to display your favorite memories while also protecting your furniture.
  • Patterned Coasters: You can choose from a variety of patterns, such as geometric, floral, or even abstract designs to add some flair to your coasters.


In the last, Drink coasters are a must have accessory for both sprucing up your room and safeguarding your furnishings. There is a coaster out there that is ideal for everyone because to the wide variety of kinds, materials, and design possibilities available. Just keep in mind to select one that will last for a long time that is fashionable, useful, and well-maintained.

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